Friday, June 16, 2006

Interesting Updates

Interesting Updates

You Should Get a MFA (Masters of Fine Arts)
You're a blooming artistic talent, even if you aren't quite convinced.You'd make an incredible artist, photographer, or film maker.
What Advanced Degree Should You Get?

What Your Sleeping Position Says
You are calm and rational.You are also giving and kind - a great friend.You are easy going and trusting.However, you are too sensible to fall for mind games.
What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About You?

Your Birthdate: October 15
You take life as it is, and you find happiness in a variety of things.You tend to be close to family and friends. But it's hard to get into your inner circle.Making the little things wonderful is important to you, and you probably have an inviting home.You seek harmony with others, but occasionally you have a very stubborn streak.
Your strength: Your intense optimism
Your weakness: You shy away from exploring your talents
Your power color: Jade
Your power symbol: Flower
Your power month: June
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Submitted on June 16, 2006

Destiny at 7:37 PM